Thu, 28 May 2015
Mr. Bloom considers the further uses of cattle. |
Wed, 20 May 2015
Mr. Bloom reflects on old songs and unfortunate hospital names.
Direct download: 258_-_Kellys___Cattle_-_5_1_15_2.37_PM.mp3
Category:Literature -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 13 May 2015
Mr. Bloom recalls a coroner and funeral hurries on.
Direct download: 257_-_Fast_Cars__Hairy_Ears_-_4-29-15_6.35_PM.mp3
Category:Literature -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 6 May 2015
Mr. Bloom’s fellow-travelers make a gaffe - or is it deliberate? |