Frank Delaney's Re: Joyce
Re: Joyce! On the international literary feast day of Bloomsday 2010, we launched a podcast to commemorate James Joyce's mighty novel, "Ulysses", the action of which took place in 18 hours of June 16, 1904. Every week you'll find a five-minute mini-essay from me designed to take you through the novel that's on every list of the greatest books ever written. And as Ulysses runs to some 375,000 words, and I mean to go through it sentence by sentence if I have to, in order to convey the full brilliance of this novel - and the enjoyment to be had from it - I'll be podcasting for some time to come! It's such an absorbing book, it's got diamond mines of references, it's so compassionate, so tender, so moving, so funny - and most of us never know that, because most of us have long been daunted by it. No need to be afraid any more - that is, if you make a habit of listening to these podcasts.
re: Joyce 220, Bread & Bleeding Statues

Mr. Bloom's irreverent thoughts extend to irreverent events.

Direct download: 220_Bread_Bleeding_Statues.mp3
Category:Literature -- posted at: 12:00am EST

re: Joyce 219, Cannibals and Corpses

Mr. Joyce, through Mr. Bloom's thoughts, offends the devout. 

Direct download: 219_Cannibals__Corpses.mp3
Category:Literature -- posted at: 12:00am EST

re: Joyce 218, Swimmers & Sodalities

find interesting connections and mischievous irreverence.

Direct download: 218_Swimmers__Sodalities.mp3
Category:Literature -- posted at: 12:00am EST

re: Joyce 217, Jesuits & Jossticks

Mr. Bloom contemplates some world religions.

Direct download: 217_Jesuits__Jossticks.mp3
Category:Literature -- posted at: 12:00am EST

re: Joyce 216A, The Birth of Dubliners

Frank's centenary talk for the Rosenbacchanal dinner in Philadelphia on Friday 13 June 2014.

Direct download: 216A_The_Birth_of_Dubliners.mp3
Category:Literature -- posted at: 12:00am EST